2013 Wods


Rx Individual WODS:

“The Barbarian” – 5 minutes to get a 1rm snatch. It can be a power snatch, split snatch, squat snatch.
Prior to each attempt on the bar- You must carry the yoke approximately 30m with a turnaround.
The yoke weighs 100 pounds.   Male weight for RX is 180# and Female Rx weight is 100#.

War of the wods- The Barbarian
War of the wods- The Barbarian”

“The Gladiator” 7 Minute Amrap of 30 Cleans 95#/65# Then 30 Cleans 135#/95# then 30 cleans of 185/125 then as many cleans  of 245/165 until time is up. If you cannot clean a weight- Every Deadlift with that weight counts as .001 added to your completed clean reps. Cleans can be power cleans, squat cleans, split cleans as long as you stand up to full extension with the weight on your shoulders and feet under your hips.

War of the Wods workout
War of the Wods workout “the Gladiator”
“The Samurai” – 2 min on and then 1 min in between the following exercises.
Row for Meters
Max Reps Bench Press 185/125
Double Unders
Max handstand pushups.

You will be ranked in each exercise and that rank will be average over all 5 exercises.  That score will count as 2 workouts in the overall scoring.

War of the WOD's
War of the WOD’s “The Samurai”
“The Ninja”
Male: 8 Rds for time of 2 Muscle ups(rings)/4 Over the box burpees(cannot step- must jump but can land on top of the box) 30″/8 wall balls 30#to a 10′ line.
Female: 8 rds for time of 1 muscle up(rings)/4 over the box burpees(must jump) 24″/8 wall balls 20# to the 8′ line.
War of the Wods
War of the Wods “the Ninja”

Scaled and Master Individual WODS:

“The Barbarian” – 5 minutes to get a 1rm snatch. It can be a power snatch, split snatch, squat snatch. Prior to each attempt on the bar- You must carry the yokr approximately 30m with a turnaround. Female weight for scaled and masters is the yoke by itself. The yoke weighs 100 pounds.   Males Scaled and Masters is 100# on the yoke.

War of the wods- The Barbarian
War of the wods- The Barbarian”

“The Gladiator” 7 Minute Amrap of 30 Cleans 65#/45# then 30 Cleans 95#/65# then 30 Cleans 125#/85# then as many cleans as possible of 165/105 until time is up. If you cannot clean a weight- Every Deadlift with that weight counts as .001 added to your completed clean reps. Cleans can be power cleans, squat cleans, split cleans as long as you stand up to full extension with the weight on your shoulders and feet under your hips. Enjoy!  Men will use male bars and women will use female bars.

War of the Wods workout
War of the Wods workout “the Gladiator”
“The Samurai” – 2 min on and then 1 min in between the following exercises.
1.  Row for Meters
2.  Max Reps Bench Press 135/75
3.  Single Unders-(Double Unders will count 3 to 1) You must do one or the other – you can’t go back and forth.
4.  Jumps to a plate
5.  Max hand stand pushups- a distance equivalent of 2 abmats.

You will be ranked in each exercise and that rank will be average over all 5 exercises.  That score will count as 2 workouts in the overall scoring.

War of the WOD's
War of the WOD’s “The Samurai”
“The Ninja”   8 Sumo deadlift high pulls/4 over the box burpees(you can step on the box)/ 8 wall balls.
SDHP weight is as follows:
Male 24kg Kettlebells Females: 16kg Kettlebells.
Box Height is 24″ for males and 20″ for females.
Wall ball weight is 14# for males going to the 10 foot line
Wall ball weight is 10# for females going to the 8 foot line.
War of the Wods
War of the Wods “the Ninja”

Rx Team WODS:

“The Amazons”  21-15-9 Cleans and Ring Dips followed by 9-15-21 of Thrusters and pullups. Weights are 135/95 for Elizabeth and 95/65 for Fran.
Must do  Squat cleans.   You can break it up however you like between partners but only one athlete works at a time. There will be a 10 minute time limit to complete as much as possible.

War of the WOD's
War of the WOD’s “The Amazons”

“The Mongolian” Scaled and Rx: 1 bar, 1 platform, 1 rack and a lot of weight. Between the 2 athletes get a total of 3 lifts in 5 minutes: Deadlift, Front Squat, Shoulder to overhead. You only count one lifters weight for each category. One athlete will ended up doing 1 lift while the 2nd athlete does the other 2. Both athletes must participate. All 3 weights will be added together for your total.

War of the WOD's
War of the WOD’s “The Mongolian”
“The Vikings” 6 Min Amrap. One person will carry the yoke a fixed distance(I will release day of the event) while the other partner does 10 burpee box jumps. They switch when one partner has returned with the yoke and the other partner has completed the 10th burpee box jump. The final score will be the total reps.  One carry will count as 10 reps and the distance will be broken down on game day.     Weight added to yoke and height of box is as follows:
Rx Men 180# and 30″ box.
Rx Women: 100# and 24″ box.

War of the WOD's
War of the WOD’s “The Viking”
“The Knight” 8 rounds for time. One partner does one round then another partner does the second round until completed.
Male 3 bar muscleups/6 Kb snatches each arm 32kg/9 Toes to bar.
Female: 3 Bar Muscles or 12 Chest to bar pullups/6 KB Snatches each arm 20kg/9 toes to bar.

War of the Wods
War of the Wods “the Knight”
 10 Minute time limit.

Scaled Team WODS:

 “The Amazons” 21-15-9 Cleans and Ring Dips followed by 9-15-21 of Thrusters and pullups. Weights are 135/95 for Elizabeth and 95/65 for Fran.
Power cleans-You can squat clean if you would like.
A partner may assist the other partner with pullups and ring dips by holding the shoes while doing the movement.
You can break it up however you like between partners but only one athlete works at a time. There will be a 10 minute time limit to complete as much as possible.
War of the WOD's
War of the WOD’s “The Amazons”

“The Mongolian” Scaled and Rx: 1 bar, 1 platform, 1 rack and a lot of weight. Between the 2 athletes get a total of 3 lifts in 5 minutes: Deadlift, Front Squat, Shoulder to overhead. You only count one lifters weight for each category. One athlete will ended up doing 1 lift while the 2nd athlete does the other 2. Both athletes must participate. All 3 weights will be added together for your total.

War of the WOD's
War of the WOD’s “The Mongolian”

“The Vikings” 6 Min Amrap. One person will carry the yoke a fixed distance(I will release day of the event) while the other partner does 10 burpee box jumps. They switch when one partner has returned with the yoke and the other partner has completed the 10th burpee box jump. The final score will be the total reps.  One carry will count as 10 reps.   Total burpee box jumps and distance traveled in final carry will determine total points.

Scaled Men: 100# and 24″
Scaled Women: No weight on yoke and 20″.
Step ups will be allowed in the scaled division but not in the rx division. Must extend knees and hips on box.

War of the WOD's
War of the WOD’s “The Viking”

“The Knight” 8 rounds for time. One partner does one round then another partner does the second round until completed.
Male: 10 Slam balls 30#/10 Knees to Elbows/10 KB Swings 24kg kettlebell.
Female: 10 Slamballs 20# / 10 Knees to elbows/10 Kettlebell swings 16kg.
10 Minute time limit.

War of the Wods
War of the Wods “the Knight”